Starting up the Europe – Asia cooperation project in the framework of STEM education program

During 24 February and 28 February 2019, Assoc. Prof. Hoang Van Hien – Rector of Hue University of Sciences together with the members of EASTEM project (Europe – Asia cooperation project in the fields of Science – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics), attended the kick-off workshop at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education.

The EASTEM project, which was funded by the ERASMUS + program of the European community, is chaired by Uppsala University, Sweden with 12 universities in Europe and Southeast Asia, of which Hue University of Sciences is a member. The project has been lasted for 3 years (2019-2021) and has focused on implementing capacity enhancing activities for teachers, which aims to develop training programs to meet the social needs in the industrial era 4.0 and established STEM training center (Science – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics) according to European model at participating universities. This will be the interactive environment between Lecturers – Students – Enterprises in order to train high-qualified human resources to meet social needs practically.

Assoc. Prof. Hoang Van Hien took part in the workshop.

 The project members of Hue University of Sciences.

 Dr. Duong Van Hieu delivered a report at the workshop.

News and photos: Dr. Duong Van Hieu

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