Promote awareness among the young generation about Earth Day

In observance of Earth Day 2023, on the evening of April 22, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF - Vietnam), in collaboration with the Faculty of Environmental Science (University of Sciences, Hue University), partnered with Gifted High School to host a media event themed “From Earth Hour to Earth Day: Responsibilities and Actions of the Youth”.

Amidst the escalating concerns of climate change and environmental pollution, Earth Day has assumed greater significance than ever before.


The students participated with great enthusiasm

Observed annually on April 22, Earth Day is an environmental action campaign that was initially launched in 1970. It has since expanded to 192 countries with 150,000 partner organizations. Earth Day is an opportunity for all nations to honor to the planet we live on and make tangible contributions to the future of humanity. The theme for Earth Day 2023 is “Invest in Our Planet”, aiming to mobilize one billion citizens worldwide, together with governments, organizations, and businesses to foster a heightened sense of responsibility in protecting the environment. The collective goal is to collaborate in building a green, sustainable, fair, and prosperous economy.

In his opening ceremony speech, Mr. Le Quoc Anh, representing WWF - Vietnam, emphasized that young people are not only vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters but also play an important role in implementing solutions to address climate change. Therefore, the event aims to disseminate vital information and practical solutions to the country's future generations. Additionally, it provides a platform for students to express their thoughts and opinions as well as propose intelligent solutions to tackle climate change, and contribute to the sustainable and green development of the Earth. 


After that, a competition on “Energy saving, renewable energy, Net Zero, and Climate Change” was organized to convey the message of the responsibility and proactive engagement of young people in energy conservation, renewable energy, Net Zero, and climate change, which aim to contribute effectively to fulfilling the responsibility of environmental protection and addressing climate change for students as well as the entire society.


Students participated in the completion on “Energy saving, renewable energy, Net Zero, and Climate Change”

User: Office for Science - Technology & International Relations