Opening ceremony of the Reading Festival in celebration of Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2023 at the University of Sciences, Hue University

On the morning of April 20, at the KH2 conference room, University of Sciences, Hue University (HUSC) inaugurated the Reading Festival in celebration of Vietnam Book and Reading Culture Day 2023.


Attending the event, there were Dr. Bui Quang Vu, Chairman of the University Council; Dr. Phan Tuan Anh, Vice Rector of HUSC; MSc. Nguyen Thanh Sy, Director of the Center for Information and Library, as well as representatives from various units, mass organizations, socio-political organizations, and a significant number of lecturers, students, and staff of HUSC.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Reading Festival, Dr. Phan Tuan Anh emphasized the important role of books in enhancing human knowledge. He expressed the hope that lecturers and students would consistently maintain their faith and love for books, fostering the development of reading habits and culture. This, in turn, contributes to the creation of a society that values learning.

Dr. Phan Tuan Anh, Vice Rector of HUSC, had speech at the Reading Festival

During the 2023 reading festival, the university presented awards to 24 students who won the drawing contest on the theme “Books with Uncle Ho”. Additionally, commendations and books were given to students who actively come to read and study at the library.

HUSC students also had opportunity to exchange with the speaker, Dr. Le Vu Truong Giang, a writer and lecturer from the Faculty of History, University of Sciences, discussing the theme “Books for me, and Books for you”. On this occasion, HUSC responded by launching the 2023 Reading Culture Ambassador contest for students.

The inauguration and introduction of the Hue Bookcase, as part of the project to establish and develop the Hue Bookcase, featuring over 200 books on the culture, history, and geography of Thua Thien Hue, along with numerous quality books about Hue, were also organized by the Center for Information and Library during the Reading Festival.

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