Seminar on Travel Agency to Future Hue: Mediating between Architecture and Tourism

From October 15 to October 19, 2019, the Faculty of Architecture, University of Sciences, Hue University (HUSC), coordinate with Hong Kong University to hold the seminar on Travel Agency to Future Hue: Mediating between Architecture and Tourism.

Attending the seminar, there was the presence of Dr. Huynh Thi Anh Van, Director of Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities; Dr. Cung Trong Cuong, Director of Hue Institute for Development Studies; Mr. Nguyen Huu Son Duong, Founder of SILAA architectural Office; Mr. Nguyen Long, Founder of Your My Local Company; Mr. Tran Van Dung, representative of Thua Thien Hue Department of Culture and Sports; Assoc.Prof. Vo Thanh Tung, Vice Rector of HUSC; Dr. Nguyen Truong Tho, Head of the Office for Science–Technology & International Relations, together with students and lecturers from two universities.

The reports mainly focused on history of Hue city; architecture and planning in Hue city; Cultural features and reality of tourism in Thua Thien Hue province. Through the seminar, students of two universities gained a better understanding of history, cultural characteristics and specially architecture of Hue city.

On the days of seminar, students of two universities were divided into four groups to survey at the areas in Hue city that can be exploited tourism such as Dan Xa Tac, parks, cafes, markets, etc.; excluding the heritages that have been recognized. During the working time, students of two sides supported each other in surveying, providing analysis as well as proposing.

At the closing ceremony, four student groups reported the research results on the connection between architecture and tourism. The reports were received the compliments and comments from the judges who are the representatives in Thua Thien Hue province and some lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture.

The seminar only lasted for 5 days but students and lecturers of two sides worked very hard to get the best presentations; this was an opportunity for both parties in general and students of Hue Architecture Faculty in particular improve knowledge and foreign languages ability.

Some pictures:

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