Meeting with the delegation from Education University of Hong Kong

On October 31st, Dr. Phan Tuan Anh, Vice Rector of University of Sciences, Hue University had a meeting and worked with Dr. Lee Kwai Sang, Associate Dean, Graduate School, Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), Ms. POON Sin Yi Teresa, Chief of Staff, Graduate School, EdUHK.

Attending the event, there were: Dr. Tran Thi Phuong An, Deputy Head of Office for Science-Technology and International Relations and MSc. Thai Nhat Truong, Deputy Head of Office for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs.

At the meeting, representatives from both universities shared information about their respective activities, training programs, international collaborations, and scientific research. The two parties focused their discussions on potential cooperation areas, such as academic and student exchanges; visiting scholars and students; joint supervision of research students; invitation of HUSC students to EdUHK International Summer School and Research Conference; short training courses; and any potential collaboration at the graduate program level as well.

The Education University of Hong Kong will consistently share details about scholarships and postgraduate programs designed for HUSC young lecturers and researchers. This information will serve as a reference for their consideration and selection. Both parties intend to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the near future.


User: Office for Science - Technology & International Relations