Closing ceremony of the student exchange program between Hue University of Sciences and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabaht University

The student exchange program between the University of Sciences and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabaht University, Thailand, came to an end on May 18 at the University of Sciences, Hue University.

Attending the closing ceremony, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Boonmee Kavinseksan, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology with other lecturers and 22 excellent students of Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabaht University, Thailand. From the University of Sciences, there were Vice Rector Dr. Phan Tuan Anh, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Truong Tho, Head of Office for Science – Technology and International Relations, Mr. Thai Nhat Truong, Vice Head of Office for Undergraduate Education and Student affairs and Mr. Nguyen Phong Canh, the University’s Secretary.

The University of Sciences hosted 22 students from the departments of biology, public health, chemistry, agriculture, mathematics, environment, information technology, occupational health and safety, food technology, and medicine, as well as 06 lecturers from Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. The program ran from May 10 through May 18, 2023. The students explored nine cultural and historical sites in Hue, took part in a seminar on urban issues in Hue, learned Vietnamese, and spoke with the University of Sciences' Rectorate Board about their interests, educational and training opportunities, as well as their study of Vietnamese traditional musical instruments. Through outdoor activities, students from the two universities can connect and engage with one another.

Students from the two institutions had the chance to interact, study, meet, and exchange experiences through the student exchange program. They also had the chance to comprehend one another's cultures, histories, architectural styles, way of life, and personal experiences. The students play the role as the cooperative bridge connecting the close relationship between the University of Sciences and Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University in particular and Vietnam and Thailand in general.

Vice Rector Dr. Phan Tuan Anh congratulated the students of Bansondejchaopraya Rajabhat University for successfully completing this student exchange program and receiving the certificate. He expressed his appreciation for their responsibility, solidarity, hard work, and efforts.

Some photos:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truong Tho made the summary report

Speech by Vice Rector Dr. Phan Tuan Anh 

Speech by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boonmee Kavinseksan - Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technolgy


User: Office for Science - Technology & International Relations