Awarding the title of Honorary Professor to Prof. TSUTSUI Kazunobu – Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University, Japan and Prof. KOBAYASHI Hirohide – Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan

In the morning of April 8, University of Sciences, Hue University (HUSC) held the online ceremony to award the title of Honorary Professor to Prof. Tsutsui Kazunobu – Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University, Japan and Prof. Kobayashi Hirohide – Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES), Kyoto University, Japan.

Attending the ceremony, there were Prof. Kobayashi Hirohide; Prof. Tsutsui Kazunobu and representatives of Kyoto University and Tottori University, Japan; Dr. Do Thi Xuan Dung – Vice President of Hue University; Asssoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Khac Lieu – Vice Director of the Department of Science, Technology and International Relations, Hue University; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vo Thanh Tung – Rector of HUSC; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Ngoc Tuyen – Vice Rector of HUSC; leaders and lecturers of the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Geography and Geology, and leader of the Office for Science – Technology and International Relations.

HUSC has approved the MOU signing with Kyoto University since 2007, with Tottori since 2009. Prof. Kobayashi Hirohide and Prof. Tsutsui Kazunobu played active and important roles to form the relationship between HUSC and Kyoto University, as well as between HUSC and Tottori University, Japan.

Prof.Dr. Tsutsui Kazunobu is the person who laid the foundation and played an important role in promoting the signing of agreements for the cooperative relationships between Tottori University, Japan and HUSC in the years 2007 and 2009; MOU signing between Tottori University and Hue University in the years 2011 and 2016. Many projects have been implemented thanks to his support and cooperation. Specifically, research cooperation project supported by Mishima Kaiun Memorial Foundation, Japan in research on the impact of regional economic development plans on landscape and land use change in rural Vietnam; Research cooperation project supported by Toyota Foundation “Research Project on Application of Participatory WebGIS to “Spatial visualization of community problems” in rural Vietnam”; Research cooperation project supported by Heiwa Nakajima foundation “The research on problems of "KASOKA: Depopulation" in Rural Area in Mid-Vietnam”; Research support project by JSPS fund "Geographical research on population displacement and social change in rural Vietnam in the “Doi moi” period"; Research support project by JSPS fund “Study on Possibility of Neo-endogenous Rural development in Mid-Vietnam and Monsoon Asia under “KASO – depopulation”. Prof. Tsutsui is also a key one in the joint writing of more than 15 scientific articles and books with lecturers at Hue University and instructs the master and PhD students of HUSC.

Prof. Kobayashi Hirohide has played an important role in contributing more than 30 articles and monographs through research projects in cooperation with Hue University. He has coordinated a number of international seminars and conferences between two universities. Proceedings of seminars and conferences have been edited and published as books. He is also the coordinator of Kyoto University to sponsor the project "Reconstruction and preservation of traditional community houses of the Katu ethnic group in A Ka hamlet, Thuong Quang commune, Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province for the stage 2015 – 2018 and financial support for some lecturers of the Faculty of Architecture, HUSC to join in a lot of international seminars (Japan, Thailand, Portugal, Spain, China...). Prof. Kobayashi Hirohide is a member of the selection committee and supports some researches by young lecturers and researchers of Hue University. He has also directly and indirectly trained doctorates for HUSC in particular and Hue University in general.

Addressing at the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vo Thanh Tung expressed his gratitude to professors’ contributions and hoped to continue to receive the cooperation and great contributions of the two professors for the HUSC development.

In their speeches, Prof. Tsutsui Kazunobu and Prof. Kobayashi Hirohide also expressed their great emotion, joy and honor when HUSC’s leaders have shown their love and respect for the efforts, for their contributions and awarded the noble title by Hue University.

Some photos


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